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Internal combustion engines

Stationary internal combustion engines are often used for backup or emergency power at a wide range of industrial, commercial and retail establishments. Combustion of diesel fuel oil or natural gas creates air pollution, while storage of large quantities of fuel oil presents spill containment and clean up issues. This section provides resources to help businesses using internal combustion engines comply with environmental regulations.

When adding an engine to a site-specific permit, whether through an operation permit revision or renewal or in a construction permit, use the air program form specifically for engines: 4530-104A.

Air permits for engines

Combustion Sources and Air Pollution Construction Permits (AM-427) — A fact sheet describing the air pollution construction permit program and how it affects combustion sources; including calculation examples, definitions and contacts for more assistance.

Air pollution regulations

The EPA published rules to limit emissions from stationary engines. The federal requirements vary depending on engine size, age and type of fuel burned. If an engine is not subject to federal standards, it will have to comply with the state hazardous air pollutant rules. The following fact sheets summarize each rule's applicability and requirements.

State Rules

Federal Standards

Used oil management, spill prevention and cleanup

In order to prevent fuel spills or clean up after a fuel spill, there are a number of regulations a business with an internal combustion engine/generator set should follow.

Additional resources